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Laos: Unexplored Land

Laos is located in the southeastern part of the Asiatic continent. It shares its borders with Thailand by the northeast and Vietnam by the west. Laos started to receive tourists just a decade ago and this converts them in one of the most exotic destinations around the world. It is a perfect destiny for those who enjoy admiring nature and visiting archeological places.

The climate in Laos is very easy to predict because it has only two established seasons, summer from December to April and winter from May to November. The capital city in Laos is known as Vientiane and the country is divided in 16 provinces (including the capital). The population in Laos sums 6,217,141 habitants of different racial groups such like Lao Loum, Lao Theung, Hmong, Yao and Lao Soung. The official religion is the Buddhist, but there are others like the animist and more. Lao is the official language but French and English are widely understood.

The main attractions that Laos offers to its visitors are the Lovely Luang Prabang and the capital city where you can admire the old temples and palaces of this beautiful country. If you have the chance to visit Laos do not think about it twice and do it.

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